Incorporating The Brooklyn Entomological Society
Archive Monthly Meeting January 2017

Warming Climate, Changing Forests: Temperature Effects
on the Physiology of Northeastern Temperate Forests
Angelica E. Patterson, Ph.D. Candidate
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University, Department of Earth & Environmental Science
Where: Linder Theater, AMNH, enter West 77th Street entrance
Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 (4th Tuesday)
Time: 7 PM to 8:30 PM
Angelica is a plant ecophysiologist and ecologist with an interest in understanding how natural communities shift and respond to climate change. She completed her B.S. degree in Natural Resources at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and her M.A. and M.Phil degrees at Columbia University. Her dissertation research examines tree physiological responses to changes in temperature. More specifically, she compares the physiological responses of co-occurring tree species in the northeast U.S., in order to gain insight into which species may be better able to tolerate the warmer climates predicted to occur in the next 50-100 years. Observations of plant community shifts within the forests in this region have confirmed the local extinction of northern ranged trees and the migration and establishment of southern ranged trees. The species replacement that researchers have observed will most likely lead to a shift in the composition of forests, which could in turn, have a drastic impact on this region's carbon storage capacity. Angelica's research provides insight on the mechanisms working behind climate induced plant migrations and forest community shifts.
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Dinner: Senn Thai Comfort Food, 452 Amsterdam Avenue, 9:00 p.m.
Society meetings are always open to the public with no admission charge.
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